I noticed Johnny Colbert wrote a little bit about this which compelled me to put my views across as well. It's all about how, since we started looking at cinematography and editing etc, media has changed my perception of movies and general TV watching.
Every time I sit down to watch something nowadays I'm consciously thinking to myself, mise en scene, why has that been put there? What's the author trying to tell us? oh there's a cut, and another. But the worst one has to be sitting there and thinking to yourself, close up, another close up, establishing shot, oh, there's a pan and so on.
Will i ever be able to watch television again without flooding my mind with media questions?
We shall see =)
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1 comment:
Hi Joe,
I hope we haven't ruined your media consumption!
I suppose the point I'd want to make is that the media is a complex animal, and it's important, fascinating and intellectually demanding to make some sense of it.
Having spent many years as a director and producer I find that I can switch on or off the part of my brain that starts to call shots or deconstruct what I'm watching. On the other hand, I am sensitive to the questions and issues you raise.
What I'd say as encouragement is that it seems like you have these overwhelming thoughts now because your brain is still taking in the new tools with which your mind has been furnished.
Eventually, you'll be able to control them. I promise.
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