Tuesday, 2 December 2008

Recent News/work

With Mrs. Francis we've been looking at British films and what makes a British film.
Majority of actors, editing, director and funding are all factors which can make a film British.
Yesterday we looked at 'The Full Monty' and 'Notting Hill' and discussed how location of Britain is represented in these films.
Today we were split up into several teams and researched various sections of British Film. My group looked at the genre of different British films since 1996. Overall i think we managed to come up with around 55 different British films since 1996 which was an impressive effort from the group.

1 comment:

Sacha van Straten said...

Isn't it terrible that there were only 55 films that your group could find from more than a decade?

In fact, there are several hundred films made in the UK each year, but the strnaglehold of American producers and distributors means most of them don't make it to the cinemas.

However, the rise of web video does mean we have more opportunities now to find such content, although finding a workable revenue model is the tricky issue.