Friday 19 December 2008


Recently in media we've been cracking on with our two minute movie scenes.
We've managed to finalise our plot, write the synopsis and present our movies using a flip mino and the steady hand of Mr. VS.
Filming is going to prove difficult as we don't know whether or not we will be allowed to film on the train/station.

With Mrs. Francis we have continued to look at British film. We watched the Full Monty at the end of term and researched into why it was such a successful movie. Among many factors, the most interesting was probably the fact that they released teasers about the movie as people didn't actually understand what the full Monty meant. This pulled in the audience and led to big success.

And in more important news, an Australian prison guard, held hostage, was released after the ransom for pizza was met. 20 inmates seized the guard over conditions in the jail. Initially 24 demands were made, however, they released the guard after settling for pizza, coke and garlic bread.

1 comment:

Sacha van Straten said...

Good to see you posting.

Do you have a web link to the Oz jail story? It's always good to put things into context.